Join & Help Regan Reach Her Goal
Regan's Campaign
Donor Registrations
of 1,000
Over 113,000 people are currently on the national transplant list and twenty people die each day waiting for these life-saving organs. We all need to register! Roughly 95% of U.S. adults support organ donation but only 54% are actually signed up as donors. Every ten minutes, another person is added to the waiting list. With this, the organ shortage continues, as the number of people on the waiting list is outpacing the number of donors and transplants. Did you know what donor can save eight lives? And donated tissue can heal the lives of more than seventy-five people? Signing up to be an organ donor could change someone's life, take thirty seconds to register!


Enter your information to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor.

This registration is a binding, legal document of gift. You affirm the information provided is accurate. You agree upon death to donate all eligible organs and tissues for transplant.

You can remove your registration or specify more detailed donation preferences at any time at

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