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Donor Registrations

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The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit corporation, established in 1946. It is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry. Linkages to Life™, A Signature Program of The Links, Incorporated educates Links members and the African-American community about the importance of and need for organ and tissue transplants as well as the importance of healthy living and prevention. Linkages to Life™ awareness initiatives are conducted in partnership with local and national transplant organizations, the faith-based community, and civic organizations. Thanks for joining the registry. Be sure to let your state know your donor status when you renew your driver’s license. We appreciate your helping us add more donors to the national donor registry before we celebrate the 74th Anniversary of our founding in 2020. Let us each be #LinkagesToLife.


Enter your information to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor.

This registration is a binding, legal document of gift. You affirm the information provided is accurate. You agree upon death to donate all eligible organs and tissues for transplant.

You can remove your registration or specify more detailed donation preferences at any time at

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